Telemarketing Store
Solomou 56, Nea Ionia 14234 Athens, Greece


You can request technical support for electrical and other items purchased from us, either while they are covered by warranty, or after the end of the warranty period.

Before sending a product for technical support please contact customer service to describe the problem you are experiencing and get instructions. The cost of sending the item for technical support is borne by the customer, as well as the cost of returning the item to you.

In any case, please include in the item you are sending a note with your contact details and a description of the problem.

If you have purchased the product through the online store, you can print the accompanying service request form through your order history by selecting Service.

If during the inspection we find that a repair is requiered that will entail cost for you, you will be informed beforehand and we will ask for your approval before the repair is carried out.